We couldn't be more thrilled to reveal that Ohuhu is now an official partner for the massive Inktober2024 event!
About Inktober
For those unfamiliar, Inktober is a global drawing challenge created by Jake Parker. Throughout October, artists of all levels are invited to create and share a new ink drawing every day on social media. It's a fantastic way to improve your inking skills, develop a daily drawing habit, and connect with a vibrant artistic community.
Participation Rules
The rules are simple - create an inky piece of art every day in October.
Inktober rules:
1) Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want).
2) Post it on social media
3) Hashtag* it with
4) Repeat
Hashtag*: #inktober #inktober2024 and #OhuhuInktober24 for prizes!
Don't fret if you miss a day, consistency is key so go at your own pace! You can follow the daily prompts on the Inktober site or freestyle whatever catches your eye.
Official Prompt List
Inktober provides a daily prompt list on their website but you're not obligated to follow - draw what inspires you! For full rules and FAQ , check their site.

Ohuhu X Inktober2024: Level Up Your Creativity!
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